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Itemnummer 497940685

State of Ageing report

9 Mei 2024 (13:37)

EMBARGOED TO 0001 THURSDAY MAY 9 File photo dated 22/12/16 of an elderly woman's hands. People with disabilities or those who are struggling financially can be much more likely to face ageism, according to research. The Centre for Ageing Better said its findings show people can be "hit with a one-two punch of ageism alongside other forms of discrimination" which it added can increase the inequality they experience as they get older. As part of the latest research for its State of Ageing report, some 1,389 over-50s were surveyed across England. Issue date: Thursday May 9, 2024.

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3500 x 2333 pixels (29.63cm x 19.75cm)


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