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Itemnummer 497936172
30 April 2024 (14:57)

One of the survivors safely sheltered on board the Sea-Watch 5 (name withheld to protect his identity). After surviving atrocities in Libya, he decided to cross the sea with his two daughters, 2 and 4 years old. His wife was unable to jump on the same boat because the sea was too rough. By the time they realised they had been separated, the boat was already far from the beach, and they had to wave goodbye.

'This journey is the journey of life or death, it's a deadly journey. Journey of no return.
When we embark on the journey we present ourselves to God. Whenever you drive from that dry land for twenty minutes, your life is between you and dear God, there's nothing else you can.'

'To be forced to go back to Libya is dangerous. I'd die. They arrest us, put us in the prison, and start to ask for money. Number one, you are afraid of the water. Number two, you are afraid of the Libyan police because if they meet us on the road before the rescue, they beat us and move us back to Libya to beat us more.'

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Hoge resolutie (€35,00)
2668 x 3533 pixels (22.59cm x 29.91cm)
Voor dit beeld geldt een minimumprijs van €35,00.
Voor alle beelden van Panos Pictures geldt een minimaal tarief van 35,- voor print en 15,- voor online (en iPad) gebruik.


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