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Itemnummer 497936164
30 April 2024 (14:54)

Two survivors safely sheltered on board the Sea-Watch 5 (names withheld to protect their identity).

'They use Black [people] to make money there. So if you don’t have the money you will have to die there or live in pain. Or put your life in the hands of someone that comes to your rescue. Maybe you escape to come out and thanks to someone God-sent to free you.'

'I am here with my two daughters in law, because of what happened in Libya. My husband’s job was to build houses. He went to work with his friend, they did the work and after finishing the work they refused to pay them. They got angry and they got into a fight with the Libyans. They fought, and they shot my husband.'

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Hoge resolutie (€35,00)
2669 x 3533 pixels (22.60cm x 29.91cm)
Voor dit beeld geldt een minimumprijs van €35,00.
Voor alle beelden van Panos Pictures geldt een minimaal tarief van 35,- voor print en 15,- voor online (en iPad) gebruik.


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