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8 Mei 2024Vernacular Names Tool

Vernacular Names Tool

7 Mei 2024 (23:00)

RETRANSMITTING ADDING EMBARGO EMBARGOED TO 0001 WEDNESDAY MAY 8 File photo dated 10/01/22 of an aerial view of the TSS Duke of Lancaster- known locally as the Fun Ship - a former railway steamer passenger ship beached near Mostyn Docks, on the River Dee, north Wales. A new tool will allow emergency workers to pinpoint the location of incidents across the UK using nicknames and colloquial names, Ordnance Survey (OS) has announced. The Vernacular Names Tool already contains the nicknames of more than 9,000 locations and the OS has asked more blue light workers to input nicknames from where they live. Issue date: Wednesday May 8, 2024. Issue date: Wednesday May 8, 2024.

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3474 x 2343 pixels (29.41cm x 19.84cm)


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